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There are many benefits of adding intelligent automation to organizational work flows to decrease the amount of time spent on manual processes. When discussing how automation can benefit the organization, setting the right tone is…

Case Study

One of the Mid-Atlantic region's prominent property management companies, known for its size and success, recognizes the importance of technological advancement for growth. To take a significant stride in this direction, they plan to…


A successful collaboration between Intelligent Automation and humans is based on leveraging their respective strengths. By playing to individual abilities while supporting weaknesses, this cohesive teamwork can achieve greater…


Process development or optimization is the practice of improving efficiency, effectiveness, and quality of business processes by making changes to them. The goal of process optimization is to eliminate waste, reduce errors, and improve…


April 27, 2023, marks the 25th anniversary for The Canton Group, one of Baltimore’s top technology companies, specializing in software modernization, operations, support, and automation. Starting with one Apple computer in a Baltimore…


Concerned that employees are spending too much time manually entering information from a PDF into an accounting or invoice system? Automation can help! There are Robotic Process Automation (RPA) platforms available which allow for a…


As we inch closer to the end of the year, employees will be taking their much-deserved paid time off. Worried that business may slow down too much? Automation can help your organization keep the lights on with digital bots completing…


The Virginia Department of Elections (ELECT) Commissioner Susan Beals announced the award of a prime contract to the Baltimore, Maryland-based company, The Canton Group to build and implement the state’s new statewide voter registration…


Brian Hensley led a fireside chat session with Shonte Eldridge from Docusign during the Innovate 2022 Conference highlighting how executives can effectively lead change using digital transformation. Digital transformations are no longer…


I95 Business article with CEO, Ethan Kazi discussing how The Canton Group leverages digital transformation and modernization to find creative ways to modernizing state and local government agencies through the use of intelligent…


We are a proud sponsor and exhibitor at the inaugural Innovate 2022 Conference hosted by Think Consulting. A two-day technology and operations innovation conference that will convene 200+ C-level executives, business owners, and…


The CISA Cybersecurity Grant Program was created to assist eligible government agencies in modernizing legacy software, applications, and infrastructure to strengthen network defenses from cyber threats.